January 5, 2021

Happy Happy New Year! I’m wishing you lots of love, joy and happiness over this next year. Because that’s what 2021 is all about!!

You spent 2020 waking up. You recognized you wanted more for yourself and your life and you started making some changes. All of the jobs, relationships & friendships that weren’t serving you, broke away, as the past resurfaced over and over again in hopes of catapulting you into a new way of living.

2021 is all about embodying the woman you want to be and taking action, even when it scares you…. especially when it scares you!!!

True embodiment is attained by facing your fears head on.

It’s NOT about shoving them down and pretending they don’t exist. Because that’s the way you’ve been living, and like you’ve probably realized already, ignoring your fears only makes them come back even stronger.

So what are you supposed to do?

Meet the fear at it’s root. Dive into the depths of your childhood, how you were raised and the values that were instilled in you, and understand how the all of these things played a part in manifesting the life you currently have.

I know what you’re thinking, “mmmmkay and I do that how?”

That’s where I come in. I’ve been there, exactly where you are right now. I’ve felt the same fears, doubts & insecurities. I spent decades not feeling good enough for anyone or anything. I’m not special. But I am here to show you the way so you can start showing up for yourself in a way you’ve never done before.

Because when your fears and old memories no longer influence your choices, you become limitless. It’s like a switch changes and suddenly you see opportunity around you everywhere you go and because you’re so connected to yourself, you know that you can do it, so you take the action you need to take to get yourself there.


Reclamation is here and in 8 weeks, I’ll teach you how to own and love every dark corner of your life so you can create a life, a business, friendships and relationships that SUPPORT YOU and GROW WITH YOU.

You can have it all. Are you ready to finally claim it?

Go to the Reclamation page + schedule a call w/ me + let’s get to work!

I love you.

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