

A wise man once told me: the root of all problems is a lack of proper communication.

+ your relationship that's not progressing the way you want it to (hint: that commitment you've been craving)

+ constantly being picked over for a promotion or having your ideas shut down

+ feeling burnt out because you do everything for everyone else



In all of these situations, you hold frustrations, anger and resentment because your needs aren't being met. And maybe you're communicating them and trying to put yourself out there and do the uncomfortable thing, but it's just not making a difference.

The thing with communication is this: you've been taught how to do it wrong for your entire life-- we all have. Ineffective communication has been modeled for us by our parents, our favorite TV shows, books and movies... literally, everywhere.

If you're anything like I was, you learned how to communicate in your teens from Clueless and The OC..




What you don't know about communication is that it's so much deeper than using "I" statements, listening and empathizing. Yes, those are all important (and I'll be teaching you some of my favorite tactics), but it's so much deeper than that.

It's about getting to the root cause of your anger and frustrations. 

It's understanding where you learned your communication habits from and how you were taught to process emotions as a child.

It's uncovering why you are the way you are, why you react the way you do and what pain you're holding on to.

The pain is the root and I'm going to help you heal it!



A self-paced course where I'll be guiding you through the inner work so you can finally start addressing your needs, asking for what you want and getting it!


Most people don't know this about me, but my husband is from Greece and has only been in the USA for 6 years. When I first met him, his English was not the greatest... and after we went through our "honeymoon" phase, things started to get real. He'd trigger me, we'd have disagreements, misunderstandings and the most challenging part was that the way I was used to reacting and responding (aka pretending I was fine until I one day exploded) wasn't effective  because he physically could not understand a word I was saying.
I remember the first time I unleashed my pent up fury on him-- he responded by looking at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes because he could clearly see I was upset but I was speaking so fast and using words he didn't know so he had absolutely no idea what I said, why I was upset or wtf was going on.
So-- I had to improvise. I have a bachelor's degree in English so I know a lot of ways to say the same thing, but the key here was actually figuring out how I was 

feeling and then communicating it to him in a way that was super simple so he could understand and we could work through whatever it was we were going through. This led to a full on exploration and creation of a new way of being. For my entire life, I had been complicating my feelings because I didn't feel comfortable getting straight to the point and saying what I wanted to say. I sprinkled some sugar on it and never revealed the whole truth because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or ruin my relationships, but all that did was hurt me. 


I now know that I censored myself because that's what everyone around me was doing too. No one ever said what they really wanted to say, and instead they talked about it behind each other's backs and acted totally fine to their face. And if someone confronted someone else, it was "How dare they, who does she think she is?"


Creating this awareness around where I learned to communicate is only one side of the story. There's a totally different side that most people want to avoid completely (I did at least)-- facing their past. For me, there was a lot of pain there, especially when it came to romantic relationships. I had experienced a decade of relationships that just didn't serve me, but what I also realized was that they didn't serve me because I wasn't showing up in them as my true self. I was showing up as the woman I thought they wanted. And I did this because I didn't think I'd be accepted for who I really, truly was.


Everything you've ever experienced in your life (the good and the bad) influences the reality you currently live in. And because of my background (and I know probably yours too), you were taught to suppress your emotions and water down who you are so you'll fit in with everybody else.


Babe, those days are O-V-E-R!

I'm so sick of seeing women struggle in their relationships because they don't feel comfortable having the difficult (but necessary) conversations. They're shadowed by the belief that communication leads to fights and ending of relationships.

But, my dear, it's quite the opposite.

Healthy, conscious communication is rooted in love and it's intention is to bring people together and make your relationships stronger than ever.


+ Imagine the relief you'd feel if you could freely express everything that was on your mind

+ Imagine knowing you could fully trust in and depend on your partner because you were both on the same page

+ Imagine how fast you'd be able to create a beautiful live for yourself because you know what you wanted and needed and felt confident walking away from people and situations that couldn't give you that

I mean, I probably would've had a much healthier dating life in my 20s lol!


But, on a serious note, doing the inner work, finding my voice and unearthing the confidence I knew I had (but never used), changed everything for me..

By walking away from jobs, people and relationships that couldn't give me what I needed, I aligned with jobs, people, relationships and opportunities that could give me everything I wanted, needed and then some.

The non-serving beliefs, stories and habits I clung to, fell away, because I healed the pain, shame and fear they were protecting me from.

You heal and create long-lasting sustainable change by exploring your wounds and your pain that your ego tells you to shove down and ignore.

But the truth is, by connecting and shining light on the pain, you liberate it so it can finally stop influencing every decision you make, every relationship you have and the trajectory of your life (yes-- your pain influences ALL of these parts of your life).

I invite you to the safe, healing container I've created to help you evolve and shapeshift into the woman who speaks up, who knows what she wants, who is magnetic, respected and heard, who stands in her truth and trusts herself.

This woman is already inside of you, it's time to give her permission to shine.

The Modules:


What else do you get?

+ 8 modules each with their own workbook and video lesson

+ access to a private Facebook group where you'll have unlimited access to Lauren for 8 weeks

+ Lauren's favorite resources for additional support as you navigate your healing journey

+ Lauren's unique process for understanding your past and it's impact on your currently reality so you can heal and unlock the magical relationships you're meant to have

+ a supportive, loving space to feel your emotions and dive deep into the depths of your soul

+ Lauren's fool-proof formula for having conversations that work and create more emotional intimacy in your relationships


Hi! I'm Lauren!

I used to be a shy girl who went with the flow and pretty much did what everyone else around me was doing. I hated making decisions and spent way too much time mulling over that, "Did I make the right decision?" question.

And this "cool girl" attitude landed me in a lot of relationships that were not aligned with the woman I wanted to be. I got cheated on, walked all over and taken advantage of over and over again.

It took me years to realize that these experiences were a result of me not showing up as the woman I really was. I was pretending to be someone I wasn't so others would claim me. But how could they claim me if they didn't even know me?

Exactly. They couldn't. So I attracted men who were just like me-- disconnected from who they were and had no idea what they wanted. 

As I started getting connected to myself, I uncovered the version of Lauren I had been dreaming of. She was calm, confident and ask for what she wanted. Her voice was a source of power and an ally in helping her create the life and relationships she had been craving for her whole life.

My voice led me to my husband (yes-- I said hi first!) and healthy, conscious communication played a pivotal role in the success of our relationship and marriage. 

To have the relationship I have now, I had to break decades of conditioning and patterns that lived in my bloodline for generations along with healing my own anger, emotional pain and shame I carried for way too long. 

Now, I'm a Spiritual Empowerment Coach and my mission is to help you tap into your innate intuition and feminine energy to create the life you've been craving.

I do this by shining a big light on the parts of yourself you don't like showing to everyone else. But these hidden parts of you hold so much wisdom and by listening to and understanding them, you can transmute the pain, fear and shame you feel into unconditional love for yourself, those around you and every part of your life.

You are who you've been searching for and I'm here to show you the way!